Sunday, November 20, 2005

Wet Folding

I have read about it in several of my origami books: and many of the more "famous" origami artists use this technique to great effect. So, I thought I would try my hand at a simple abstract model from one of my books. Folded from a large sheet of Strathmore watercolor paper, he came out to about six inches long and about three inches high. I have a few more wet fold projects that I would like to try. One being a Joisel type mask. So if you are reading this and you know where to get the Joisel pamphlet from the 2000 convention, please let me know. I would love to learn how to start with his mask base to create my own paper faces.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Leaf it to the pros

Man, if you ever wanted to figure out a way to spread gold leaf all over hell's-half-acre, try applying it to individual sheets of paper but only in a certain spot. When you go to remove the remaining leaf from the page, it turns to gold dust and sticks to everything. That's fine if you're a stripper. But some of us don't like to twinkle in the twilight.