Thursday, August 23, 2007

Art Appreciation Part Deux

I feel that if I am going to wax poetic about Jeaneen Barnhart, I need to give equal time to another favorite artist of mine. Robert Cassilly of St. Louis does beautiful art on a grand scale. From his 67 foot tall giraffe in Dallas, to the massive, bus-sized turtles in St. Louis. Cassilly can breathe life into the largest piece. His busts capture the spirit and temper of the subject, and his animals display the beauty of their form. All the while his art is tempered with a spirit of fun.
His finest work by far though would have to be the City Museum in St. Louis. Located in the 600,000 sq. foot shell of the International Shoe factory, this work in progress is a testament to his creative and playful spirit. It is a peek into the creative mind of the man himself. Walls tiled in printing plates, mosaic lizards made of watch parts, every nook and cranny filled with new and sometimes hidden surprises. A life size whale that, as you walk into it's mouth, turns into a hidden cave, that then takes you to the ceiling where it morphs into a rambling tree house. That's just the first few feet of the ground floor!
Salvaged pieces of buildings make up what is an architectural gallery throughout the museum. This ladies and gents is art you can touch (and play in, on, & around). I feel like I'm five all over again when I am here. At the same time I can marvel and appreciate the work, inspiration, and creativity that has brought to life this once forgotten building.
If you go, (and you should) plan on spending the day. They practically had to drag us out at five o'clock. The sandwich shop has a good menu, and you can grab a beer in the Lizard Lounge. Yes a museum that serves beer, ain't it grand?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

83 Days and Counting!!!!

Yes! Yes! Hell Yes! Less than three months until Halloween. Eighty-three days?!? I haven't started planning. I need supplies. I need a game plan.
Hell, I need to get it together.
I have to get a costume together. I would love to be a pirate again, but everyone and his uncle will be Jack Sparrow this year. Bad for me, but good for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I would love to do something evil and gruesome maybe, but no one talks to the ones in the creepy costumes. I could go low tech, but there's no respect for the ones in the "This is my costume." Tee shirts. Anime or cosplay costume? Nope too geeky. Period costume? Nope too Ren-fair. AAARRRHGGHHHH. Screw it, I'll just cut two holes in a sheet.
As I have in years past, I will be turning to my two favorite Halloween sites. For cool All Hallow's papercraft, I turn to Ravensblight by Ray O'Bannon. Chock full of creepy stuff providing hours of fun for the Halloween addict.
For all things pumpkin, I turn to Zombie Pumpkins. If you enjoy pumpkin carving like I do, this is the site to visit. The brainchild of artist Ryan Wickstrand, ZP will provide hours of squash destroying goodness.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Art, and the Beauty of Strength and Movement

Today dear readers (both of you), I am branching out from the norm. No paper folders, and no variety entertainers. Instead I present the artwork of Jeaneen Barnhart. I just took a look at her work this morning and I hope what I say here can tell you how I feel.

The works I have seen online of both the equine and human form are stunning. Her lines and movement in her art bring to life the strength and energy of her subjects. Her ability to convey her vision to the audience; the strength, the movement, the energy, truly evocative. And in a side note dear to my heart, she works on paper.

I have been too verbose. In short, this woman can draw her ass off. I was lucky enough to meet Jeaneen last night. When she talks about her art, you can see and hear her passion for what she does. When I saw the images online today, that passion shows through. I hope one day to see her work in person.

It's short notice, but if you are in Louisville tonight, you can see her work and the work of others at the Art For The Animals event tonight. You could walk out of there with an original Barnhart. So get on over there and bid 'til your paddle is sore.
For your consideration, I have posted two of her works that particularly moved me. The top picture, Race Study With Red III, and the lower, Male Pose with Color IV. I think they are just stunning. Tell me what you think.