Why the first of May? Today is the day that the circus traditionally would leave their winter quarters and head out on their route for the year. New clowns are called First-of-Mays for their first year on the road, and are usually given the grunt work in the alley (moving trunks, cleaning soap mats, etc..). So folks I present you on this obscure holiday with a rare First of May photo of yours truly.
It sure is a departure from my present day makeup.
I would also like to take a moment on this day to thank the inimitable Jon Weiss for giving me my "clown name". Clown College 1990, we were practicing dive rolls, dive rolls, dive rolls, dive rolls. Then we suddenly switch to belly flops.
I hit the mini-tramp, vault into the air, and while heading to the mat it struck me that I should be belly flopping. While trying to adjust mid-flight, I smacked headfirst into the mat. After we determined that I could move all my fingers and toes,I spent the rest of the day out of commission.
The next time I went to vault, I ran toward the mini-tramp and as I ran, Jon yelled, "Let's go Neckbone!" I laughed so hard that I stomped on the tramp, slammed into the vaulting horse (Charivari wall) and went sprawling.
I knew I was stuck with the name when my props started turning up with the word Neckbone written on them. For a circus clown, a "clown name" usually is more like a fraternity nickname than a working title. Your buddies will call you "Nasty" but that's not how you introduce yourself to the general public (Well, OK, Nasty did introduce himself that way. The mean little bugger.)
So thank you Jon. Thank you readers. And a happy First of May to all my brother and sister raccoons out there.
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