Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On a lighter note

So, in an effort to be arty this year, I have embarked on a Christmas card making project. I will be chucking out about 15 handmade holiday greetings this year, and the rest will be sent from my stockpile of “vintage” cards. My vintage cards are boxes of cards that I have bought with the intention of sending over the years. Let me apologize ahead of time to those of you who get a store bought card. But I have already developed a callous from the xacto knife and I am only halfway through the cutting. If I make it to fifteen it will be a miracle.
I am using two designs that I have gleaned off the web; two wonderful reindeer designs, one from Evermore Designs, and one by Robert Sabuda. If I have time I will be trying a couple of secular designs from my book White Christmas by Masahiro Chatani and Keiko Nakazawa.

I have also been working out a Power Point presentation for this origami class that I one day hope to teach; if only to have a reason to order more specialty paper. While we’re in fantasyland, to have my own specialty paper and paper-craft store would be terrific. But to be realistic, I would have to find a place that was big enough to support my little store without Michael’s and Jo Ann’s putting me under. Sigh.

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